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"Minhag Yisrael - Halacha"

The Sephardic Congregation of Passaic-Clifton was founded in 2001 to provide a warm, comfortable place of worship and community for Sephardim from various different Eidot and backgrounds.


The Sephardic Congregation promotes spiritual growth and communal achdut through Torah Learning, Avodat Hashem and Gemilut Chasadim while perpetuating the rich minhagim of Sephardim and Eidot HaMizrach from all over the world.  


All Tefillot are conducted in Nusach Yerushalmi. 

Maq'ams, Manginot, and Prayer Tunes herald from all different corners of the Sephardic/Eidot Hamizrach

world allowing for the diversity of the participants to create a rich cantorial environment.


Participation of many Acheinu Bnei Ashkenaz in the Congregation elevates our services to an even higher standard of inclusion, achdut and Avodat Hashem. 




Help the Minyan grow

"Ve'asu Li Mikdash Veshachanti Betocham"
Sephardic Congregation of Passaic-Clifton


Rabbi Yechezkel Khayyat: 973-777-1439


Mr. Shmuel Avrahami: 973-365-6180 



Weekday - 355 Pennington Avenue, Passaic 

Shabbat & Chagim - YBH - Beit Midrash 270 Passaic Avenue 


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@2022 by Sephardic Congregation of Passaic-Clifton

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